
Tuesday, June 5, 2007

What did you do today to help Save Earth ???

Every day, I think to myself how to get people make aware that if we can just do simple little things every day as an individual to save earth what a difference would it make as a whole. Just imagine for a moment, how much we hear and read about "OZONE ALERT". How many times a week we notice on those electronic billboards about "SHARE A RIDE" . I mean can you imagine if we really do try to do this??? Can you imagine the impact just one day of car pooling will make?? I know there is a critique for every thing and any thing, so is to this question but really think, just think for a moment the difference it can make. Yes, I know that one day difference will be like a very small drop in a well but you know what, that's one drop we didn't had before. I know I am not a scientist, I do not have a factual data that I can put here if 200,000 people did car pool so this much % of smog and carbon we did not send in the atmosphere but as a common man, I think any one reading will agree it will make a difference. If we start doing it on a regular basis that one tiny little drop will become bigger and will make much more difference not only in our lives but everything else around us. What do you think??? What is your input?? What is your heart telling you?? What is your mind telling you?? Have you ever asked these questions to yourselve?? If not ask them, take a moment and ask and you will be surprise what you hear.


Anonymous said...

Enjoyed your blog.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much. I enjoyed your blog too. Very informative.

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